Not a few students of Universitas Pertamina have interests and talents in certain scientific fields like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Social Science. But the problem, there is no place for them, so that their interests and talents are not well honed. This is what underlies COMS-UP INFINITY, which was established as a place for self-development for students who have a great interest in the field of science that they are interested in and prepare them to take part in various national and international competition
Selecting Universitas Pertamina students who are interested in the science olympiad field to become olympiad athlete by test selection and interview
As a form of friendship among fellow athletes in each field, to enhance a sense of togetherness and unity in the community. This activiy has been relationship with member and commite
Form activities to prepare the mental, academic, and thinking of olympiad athletes in the face of competitions both at national and international levels. This activity will be held in H-7 ONMIPA
Training for olympiade athletes with material that has been prepared in such a way as to prepare for national and international competitions. The competition is ONMIPA PT, EXPORTED OSN, PERTAMINA OSN, and MIPANTASTIC USU.
Activities as a means of refreshing and adding insight into the scientific fields chosen by members by means of games and watching films about science. Like the film science, game science, puzzle, and anything else
Activities to channel knowledge in the media in the form of posters to be disseminated, to promote community to all students at Universitas Pertamina, and to broaden the horizons of Universitas Pertamina students towards the MIPA and social sciences fields.
This activity was carried out with the aim of searching for superior seeds of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Social Science which would later be trained to prepare for the mathematics competition both at national and international levels. This activity can be evaluation to increase system education
This activity was carried out with the aim of finding superior mathematical seeds, which would later be trained to prepare for the mathematics competition both at national and international levels. This activity have 3 round to selection participants in MISSION ITS, LSM UNY, MAG-DAY ITB, and CALCULUS CUP UNJ.
This activity is to document the questions that have been done by the members, to increase the entry of funds, introduce the existence of COMS-UP INFINITY to the community both within the campus and outside the campus and train the memory and creativity of the members. The books can be increase finance in community.
This activity is a joint competition in the fields of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Social Science which is carried out in groups with a quiz system. One group consists of 5 students from SMA / SMK / MA equivalent from DKI Jakarta and Banten. The SC stage consists of the preliminary, semifinal and final rounds.
This activity is a visit both at the SD, SMP, and SMA levels to improve the existence of COMS-UP INFINITY in the outside world. The activities are the dissemination of olympiad training books, training and teaching olympiad material to students, as well as improving the quality of olympiad education.
This activity is an activity outside of Pertamina university, to see how the athletes training system is in their place. This will make the experience of COMS-UP INFINITY athletes in addition to increasing experience in the competition but also as a relationship with students outside the campus.
"Our Campus Universitas Pertamina ( Be Global Leaders )"Admin COMS-UP INFINITY ( December, 11 2018 )
"Cooperation between Universitas Pertamina and LIPI"Admin COMS-UP INFINITY ( December, 11 2018 )
"Our loving coach in Universitas Pertamina"Admin COMS-UP INFINITY ( December, 11 2018 )
"Admissions of New Students Universitas Pertamina"Admin COMS-UP INFINITY ( December, 11 2018 )
"The Winner of Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament"Admin COMS-UP INFINITY ( December, 11 2018 )
"Delegation Team from Universitas Pertamina in LSM Competition "Admin COMS-UP INFINITY ( February, 16 2019 )